

Annika Naschitzki

Dave Wood

Nisha Pullan

  • We are three beer-loving friends who miss small, super nerdy Wellington beer festivals.

    Annika Naschitzki

    Annika founded and operated Wellingon brewery Tiamana, running the business for four years. She is a regular beer & cider judge and now spends her time growing fruit to make wine, schnaps and cider in the Wairarapa.

    Dave Wood

    Dave has managed beer bars in Wellington and Edinburgh and has plenty of beer festival experience. Dave helped organise the Pacific Beer Expo and the SOBA Winter Ale Festival from 2012 - 2016.

    Dave is currently the president of the Craft Beer Capital Incorporated Society and works behind the bar at Golding's Free Dive.

    Nisha Pullan

    Nisha is an all round beer nerd. She started as a home brewer many years ago, moving on to working in local breweries, craft beer bars and specialised bottle shops.

    Nisha is also a Certified Cicerone®, which opened up the world of beer judging and stewarding - and finally organising a niche beer festival!

  • A standard Funk on the Water ticket includes:

    - Admission to the inaugural Funk on the Water festival, October 22nd

    - Branded festival glass (that's actually made of GLASS)

    - Four tokens to get you going

    - $5 food voucher to go towards something delicious from Taco Addicts

  • Funk on the Water runs a little differently to many other beer festivals.

    We purchase the beer directly from the brewery, rather than selling them a festival stall spot. Our volunteers pour the beer, freeing up the brewers & their staff to enjoy the festival with everyone else.

    So yes, some of the brewers will be there - drinking awesome wild beers and ciders with you!

    This model also lets some New Zealand’s smallest breweries to participate.